Aligned Counseling and Supervision, PLLC

For the teens and adults who are tired of being weighed down and held back by the mean voice in their head.

My Services


Your Story…

You wish you could see yourself how others do.

They look at you and see the successes — in work, school, athletics, the arts.

You’ve actually got things other people want. At least that’s what they tell you when you try to talk about this stuff.

But instead of feeling fulfilled, you’re exhausted, and reassurances fall flat.

Your fear of failure keeps you from having the life you want to have.

And that voice in your head just keeps on reminding you that you’re not good enough.

“Your next mistake is clearly only moments away,” your mind insists.

It’s hard for you to let your guard down, and that leaves you feeling lonelier and lonelier…


Imagine if…

  • Instead of spiraling into a panic attack when you think about a work mistake, or cringing for days after an awkward interaction, you began to see mistakes as opportunities for you to learn and grow and become better at what you do…

  • You started seeking support from your friends and loved ones — not because you’re weak or inadequate, but because you know that support helps you be a better version of yourself…

  • The thing you think about or dream of doing — the one that you don’t ever say out loud because you can’t even fathom it (like going after the promotion or trying out for the school play) — you go after it because you aren’t procrastinating, second-guessing yourself, or in a constant state of analysis-paralysis

  • Relationships with loved ones improved — not because you got “better” somehow, but because you finally let your freaking guard down and became more, well, yourself! And, hey — you found out people genuinely like you…

  • Your body stopped chronically flinching in the face of self-criticism — you could finally sleep better, your shoulders and jawline were no longer melted together, and you could wave bye-bye to regular headaches…

  • The happiness and joy you felt in your life was more sustainable because now it’s rooted in accepting yourself, rather than being based on chasing the temporary performative or achievement-based highs that leave you crashing later…

THIS is what self-compassion is all about.

Here’s what it’s NOT about: letting yourself off the hook, giving up, or making excuses. It’s also not about hedonism, or throwing pity-parties and inviting yourself. You can leave those at the door!

Self-compassion will show you how to become your own best ally, instead of your own worst enemy.

And this is what we’re going to do together.

Photo of Emily

“Why you, Emily?”

While I know that this is a line from pretty much every single counseling page you’ve checked out, I think you will find me not like other counselors. (That’s the hook…the spot where you can hardly wait to read more. Right?)

Ok, so it’s easy to see that I like to have fun and, believe it or not, counseling can be fun. I pretty much guarantee we will find ways to laugh together, as we work toward your goals.

I know you can make the changes you want (Now say, “Well no kidding Emily. You wouldn’t be a counselor if you didn’t think that.” You can roll your eyes if you need to, as well.).

And as you make changes, I will be with you every step of the way, collaborating, guiding, and sometimes just being together.

Don’t worry though; we will do it at your pace and in your time. Our relationship matters to me.

And you matter to me, which is why I am affirming of all gender and sexual orientation identities and family structures. I also commit to you that we won’t shy away from talking about culture, identity (both how you see yours and how ours interact), and the role of racism and oppression.

I will help you better understand how your brain works, so you can harness its ultimate power (channeling some superhero action movie stuff here) to think, feel, and act differently. Heck, you’ll BE different.

Finally, I believe strongly that counseling is not only the purview of us wizard-like (ok, not really, but I wish) practitioners of therapy.

I will talk to you about what we are doing, and why we are doing it and seek your feedback on how it’s going. I will be 100% real and honest with you.

I’m nothing if not authentic (basically by default, because I am so very bad at acting).

“Emily, this sounds just like me! What do I do next?”

Click below to contact me or to schedule your free consultation.

Contact me.
(423) 281-4089

Aligned & Imperfect

Thoughts on authenticity, self-compassion, and therapy